Genre: Action | Adventure | Drama
Stars: Devrim Evin, Ibrahim Celikkol and Dilek Serbest
Quality: DVDScr
Source: 480p DVDScr XviD-NOVA
Stars: Devrim Evin, Ibrahim Celikkol and Dilek Serbest
Quality: DVDScr
Source: 480p DVDScr XviD-NOVA
In 1453, the Byzantine capital of Constantinople is surrounded by Ottoman Turks. The city is but a shadow of its former glory due to the empire’s ever receding coffers, while the Ottoman Empire continues to grow rich. After years of tolerating the existance of Byzantium, the ambitious sultan,Mehmet II launches his campaign to end the Byzantine Empire and take Constantinople for the Ottomans, resulting in arguably the greatest siege of that age.
In 1453, the Byzantine capital of Constantinople is surrounded by Ottoman Turks. The city is but a shadow of its former glory due to the empire’s ever receding coffers, while the Ottoman Empire continues to grow rich. After years of tolerating the existance of Byzantium, the ambitious sultan,Mehmet II launches his campaign to end the Byzantine Empire and take Constantinople for the Ottomans, resulting in arguably the greatest siege of that age.
Pada tahun 1453, ibukota Bizantium dari Konstantinopel dikelilingi oleh Ottoman Turki. Kota ini menjadi bayang-bayang kejayaan karena kerajaan yang pernah surut, sedangkan Kekaisaran Ottoman terus tumbuh kaya. Setelah bertahun-tahun menoleransi keberadaan Byzantium, Sultan Ambisius, Mehmet II meluncurkan kampanyenya untuk mengakhiri Kekaisaran Bizantium dan mengambil Konstantinopel untuk Ottoman, sehingga bisa dibilang pengepungan terbesar zaman itu.