Kamis, 31 Januari 2013


Suatu ketika, Siti fatimah bertanya kepada Rosulullah. Siapakah Perempuan yang kelak pertama kali masuk surga? Rosulullah menjawab:” Dia adalah seorang wanita yang bernama Muti’ah”.

Siti Fatimah terkejut. Ternyata bukan dirinya, seperti yang dibayangkannya. Mengapa justru orang lain, padahal dia adalah putri Rosulullah sendiri? Maka timbullah keinginan fatimah untuk mengetahui siapakan gerangan permpuan itu? Dan apakah yang telah di perbuatnya hingga dia mendapat kehormatan yang begitu tinggi?

Setelah minta izin kepada suaminya, Ali Bin Abi Thalib, Siti Fatimah berngkat mencari rumah kediaman Muti’ah. Putranya yang masih kecil yang bernama Hasan diajak ikut serta.

Ketika tiba di rumah Muti’ah, Siti Fatimah mengetuk pintu seraya memberi salam, “Assalamu’alaikum…!”

“Wa’alaikumussalaam! Siapa di luar?” terdengar jawaban yang lemah lembut dari dalam rumah. Suaranya cerah dan merdu.

“Saya Fatimah, Putri Rosulullah,” sahut Fatimah kembali.

“Alhamdulillah, alangkah bahagia saya hari ini Fatimah, putri Rosululah, sudi berkunjung ke gubug saya,” terdengar kembali jawaban dari dalam. Suara itu terdengar ceria dan semakin mendekat ke pintu.

“Sendirian, Fatimah?” tanya seorang perempuan sebaya dengan Fatimah, Yaitu Muti’ah seraya membukakan pintu.

“Aku ditemani Hasan,” jawab Fatimah.

“Aduh maaf ya,” kata Muti’ah, suaranya terdengar menyesal. Saya belum mendapat izin dari suami saya untuk menerima tamu laki-laki.”

“Tapi Hasan kan masih kecil?” jelas Fatimah.

“Meskipun kecil, Hasan adalah seorang laki-laki. Besok saja Anda datang lagi, ya? saya akan minta izin dulu kepada suami saya,” kata Mutiah dengan menyesal.

Sambil menggeleng-gelengkan kepala , Fatimah pamit dan kembali pulang.

Besoknya, Fatimah dating lagi ke rumah Muti’ah, kali ini ditemani oleh Hasan dan Husain. Beritga mereka mendatangi rumah Muti’ah. Setelah memberi salam dan dijawab gembira, masih dari dalam rumah Muti’ah bertanya:

“Kau masih ditemani oleh Hasan, Fatimah? Suami saya sudah memberi izin.” “Ha? Kenapa kemarin tidak bilang? Yang dapat izin cuma Hasan, dan Husain belum. Terpaksa saya tidak bisa menerimanya juga, “ dengan perasaan menyesal, Muti’ah kai ini juga menolak.

Hari itu Fatimah gagal lagi untuk bertemu dengan Muti’ah. Dan keesokan harinya Fatimah kembali lagi, mereka disambut baik oleh perempuan itu dirumahnya.

Keadaan rumah Mutiah sangat sederhana, tak ada satupun perabot mewah yang menghiasi rumah itu. Namun, semuanya teratur rapi. Tempat tidur yang terbuat dengan kasar juga terlihat bersih, alasnya yang putih, dan baru dicuci. Bau dalam ruangan itu harum dan sangat segar, membuat orang betah tinggal di rumah.

Fatimah sangat kagum melihat suasana yang sangat menyenangkan itu, sehngga Hasan dan Husain yang biasanya tak begitu betah betah berada di rumah orang, kali ini nampak asyik bermain-main.

“Maaf ya, saya tak bisa menemani Fatimah duduk dengan tenang, sebab saya harus menyiapkan makan buat suami saya,” kata Mutiah sambil mondar mandir dari dapur ke ruang tamu.

Mendekati tengah hari , maskan itu sudah siap semuanya, kemudian ditaruh di atas nampan. Mutiah mengambil cambuk, yang juga ditaruh di atas nampan.

“Suamimu bekerja dimana?” Tanya Fatimah

“Di ladang,” jawab Muti’ah.

“Pengembala?” Tanya Fatimah lagi.

“Bukan. Bercocok tanam.”

“Tapi, mengapa kau bawakan cambuk?”

“Oh, itu?” sahut Mutiah denga tersenyu.” Cambuk itu kusediakan untuk keperluan lain. Maksudnya begini, kalau suami saya sedang makan, lalu kutanyakan apakah maskan saya cocok atau tidak? Kalau dia mengatakan cocok, maka tak akan terjadi apa-apa. Tetapi kalau dia bilang tidak cocok, cambuk itu akan saya berikan kepadanya, agar punggung saya dicambuknya, sebab berarti saya tidak bisa melayani suami dan menyenangkan hatinya.”

“Apakah itu kehendak suamimu?” Tanya Fatimah keheranan.

“Oh, bukan! Suami saya adalah seorang penuh kasih sayang. Ini semua adalah kehendakku sendiri, agar aku jangan sampai menjadi istri yang durhaka kepada suami.”

Mendengar penjelasan itu, Fatimah menggeleng-gelengkan kepala. Kemudian ia meminta diri, pamit pulang.

“Pantas kalau Muti’ah kelak menjadi seorang perempuan yang pertama kali masuk surga,” kata Fatimah dalam hati, di tengah perjalannya pulang, “Dia sangat berbakti kepada suami dengan tulus. Prilaku kesetiaan semacam itu bukanlah lambing perbudadakan wanita oleh kaum lelaki, Tapi merupakan cermin bagi citra ketulusan dan pengorbanan kaum wanita yang harus dihargai dengan prilaku yang sama.”

tak hanya itu, saat itu masih ada benda kipas dan kain kecil.

“Buat apa benda ini Muthi’ah?” Siti Muthi’ah tersenyam malu. Namun setelah didesak iapun bercerita. “Engkau tahu Fatimah, suamiku seorang pekerja keras memeras keringat dari hari ke hari. Aku sangat sayang dan hormat kepadanya. Begitu kulihat ia pulang kerja, cepat-cepat kusambut kedatangannya. Kubuka bajunya, kulap tubuhnya dengan kain kecil ini hingga kering keringatnya. Ia-pun berbaring ditempat tidur melepas lelah, lalu aku kipasi beliau hingga lelahnya hilang atau tertidur pulas”

sungguh mulia Siti Muthi’ah, wanita yang taat kepada suaminya. maka tidaklah salah jika dia wanita pertama yang masuk surga.

Sumber : Ayat-Ayat Cinta

Senin, 14 Januari 2013

FETIH CONQUEST 1453 (2012)

Fetih 1453 (original title)
Release Date: 16 February 2012
 Genre: Action | Adventure | Drama
Stars: Devrim Evin, Ibrahim Celikkol and Dilek Serbest
Quality: DVDScr
Source: 480p DVDScr XviD-NOVA
In 1453, the Byzantine capital of Constantinople is surrounded by Ottoman Turks. The city is but a shadow of its former glory due to the empire’s ever receding coffers, while the Ottoman Empire continues to grow rich. After years of tolerating the existance of Byzantium, the ambitious sultan,Mehmet II launches his campaign to end the Byzantine Empire and take Constantinople for the Ottomans, resulting in arguably the greatest siege of that age.

Pada tahun 1453, ibukota Bizantium dari Konstantinopel dikelilingi oleh Ottoman Turki. Kota ini menjadi bayang-bayang kejayaan karena kerajaan yang pernah surut, sedangkan Kekaisaran Ottoman terus tumbuh kaya. Setelah bertahun-tahun menoleransi keberadaan Byzantium, Sultan Ambisius, Mehmet II meluncurkan kampanyenya untuk mengakhiri Kekaisaran Bizantium dan mengambil Konstantinopel untuk Ottoman, sehingga bisa dibilang pengepungan terbesar zaman itu.


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Koleksi OST. Smallvile The Series All Sesion

Waktu jaman kuliah dulu, ada serial yang tidak pernah dilewatkan, bahkan sampai berburu episode yang belum tayang di TV swasta. serial itu adalah SMALLVILE.. Cerita tentang masa remaja SUPERMAN.. kartun idola masa kecil.. nah, kali ini saya mau sampaikan lagu-lagu yang menjadi OST ni serial.. cek aja ya.. saya gak ngasih link download tapi silahkan cari sendiri di google. SELAMAT BERBURU..

Season 1

1.00 Promo Music

001 Perry Farrell - Song Yet To Be Sung 
002 Ludwig Van Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata
003 Twinstar - Or So It Seems 

1.01 Pilot (10/16/01)

004 Bruce Hornsby - The Way It Is
005 Eagle Eye Cherry - Long Way Around
006 Stereoblis - Eight Half Letters
007 Network Music - Pep Band At Football Game
008 The Calling - Unstoppable 
009 Embrace - Wonder
010 Fear The Clown - Inside The Memories 
011 Capitol Eye - Let's Go 
012 Stereophonics - Maybe
013 Jude - Everything I Own
014 Paul Trudeau - Woodstock Alice
015 Lifehouse - Everything

1.02 Metamorphosis (10/23/01)

Lifehouse - Everything (Repeat)
016 Papa Roach - Last Resort
017 Remy Zero - Save Me
018 Weezer - Island In The Sun
019 Better Than Ezra - I Do
020 Turin Brakes - Underdog (Save Me) 
021 Aeon Spoke - Damaged
022 Cake - Love You Madly 
023 The Calling - Wherever You Will Go

1.03 Hothead (10/30/01)

024 Zed - Renegade Fighter
025 Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood
026 Sum 41 - Motivation
027 Fuel - Bad Day
028 APM Music - Temple City HS Fight Song A
029 Speed - What I Want To Give You
030 Third Eye Blind - Never Let You Go
031 The Contes - So Much For Love (Acoustic) 
032 APM Music - Drum Cadence 
033 APM Music - Cadence Kick-Off And Cheers A 
034 Binocular - You 

1.04 X-Ray (11/06/01)

035 Alien Ant Farm - Movies 
036 The Wiseguys - Ooh La La
037 Stabbing Westward - Breathe You In
038 Unwritten Law - Up All Night
039 The Cranberries - Analyse
040 Todd Thibaud - Unbroken
041 Shelby Lynne - Wall In Your Heart

1.05 Cool (11/13/01)

042 Eve 6 - Rescue
043 Steve Ancliffe - 21 
044 Matthew Jay - Let Your Shoulder Fall
045 Marc Ferrari - Dreams
046 The Juliana Theory - We're At The Top Of The World
047 Bosshouse - Every Word
048 Pete Yorn - On Your Side 
049 Bosshouse - Just Gotta Know
050 Bosshouse - She Oughta Know
051 Matt Beckler - So We'll Drive
052 Jewel - Standing Still 

1.06 Hourglass (11/20/01)

053 Frederic Chopin - Piano Sonata No. 3 In B Minor (Presto, Non Tanto)
054 Gorillaz - 5/4 (more info)
055 Frederic Chopin - Piano Sonata No. 1 In C Minor (Finale) 
056 Dispatch - Time Served 
057 Kevin Clay - Crush

1.07 Craving (11/27/01)

058 Third Eye Blind - Invisible 
059 Dido - Slide
060 Big Paul Strange - What's Your Name
061 Fuel - Innocent
062 Elusive - If I Could
063 The Crown Jewels - He's So Zen
064 Aeon Spoke - There Are No Answers
065 Enrique Iglesias - Hero

1.08 Jitters (12/11/01)

066 Smash Mouth - Pacific Coast Party (more info)
067 Bush - The People That We Love (more info)
068 The Cult - My Bridges Burn (more info)
069 Handsome Devil - Tie Me Up (more info)
070 Bad Ronald - Bad Idea (more info)

1.09 Rogue (01/15/02)

071 Stereo MC's - Step It Up (more info)
072 Zero 7 - I Have Seen (more info)
073 Grant Park - Numb (more info)
074 Massive Attack - Angel (more info)
075 Club 8 - Love In December (more info)
076 Lifehouse - Breathing (more info)*
077 Club 8 - She Lives By The Water (more info)
078 Radford - Take Your Time (more info)
079 Driver - Not Looking Back (more info)

1.10 Shimmer (01/29/02)

080 Simple Plan - When I'm With You (more info)
081 Tricky - Evolution Revolution Love (more info)
082 Vigilantes Of Love - Galaxy (more info)
083 Thrift Store Halo - If I Go (more info)
084 Something Else - Blend (more info)
085 Vigilantes Of Love - S.O.S. (more info)
086 Starsailor - Poor Misguided Fool (more info)
087 Course Of Nature - Caught In The Sun (Pop Mix Edit) (more info)

1.11 Hug (02/05/02)

088 Syd Dale - Let Me Take You There (more info)
089 Sidney James - Knowing You (more info)
090 Jennifer Knapp - Into You (more info)
091 Sucker Pump - On A Mission (more info)*
092 Citizen Cope - Mistaken I.D. (more info)
093 Wayne - Slow Down (more info)
094 Stereophonics - Have A Nice Day (more info)
095 Rubyhorse - Into The Lavender (more info)

1.12 Leech (02/12/02)

096 Staind - Fade (more info)
097 U2 - Elevation (more info)
098 Mark Cherrie - Snapperhead (more info)
099 Sum 41 - Fat Lip (more info)
100 Keith Kohn - Amplify My Soul (more info)*
101 Shocore - Bonecracker (more info)
102 Bush - Inflatable (more info)

1.13 Kinetic (02/26/02)

103 P.O.D. - Set It Off (more info)
104 Onesidezero - New World Order (more info)
105 Beautiful Creatures - 1 A.M. (more info)
106 Sucker Pump - I Wanna Make You Yell (more info)*
107 Remy Zero - Perfect Memory (more info)

1.14 Zero (03/12/02)

108 Pigeonhed - Battle Flag (Lo Fidelity All-Stars Remix) (more info)
109 Faithless - God Is A DJ (more info)
110 Fred Rapoport - Big T (more info)
111 Richard Butler - Zulu (more info)
112 Eleventeen - Let's Go For A Ride (more info)
113 Kid Rock - Lonely Road Of Faith (more info)

1.15 Nicodemus (03/19/02)

114 Hal Lovejoy - Saturday Night's Alright (more info)
115 Waylon Jennings - Good Ol' Boys (more info)
116 Relient K - Sadie Hawkins Dance (more info)
117 Nelly Furtado - I Will Make U Cry (more info)
118 Zero 7 - Destiny (more info)
119 By Divine Right - Supernatural (more info)
120 Josh Clayton Felt - Love Sweet Love (more info)
121 Puracane - Big Day (more info)
122 U2 - Beautiful Day (more info)

1.16 Stray (04/16/02)

123 Regency Buck - Free To Change Your Mind (more info)
124 Phantom Planet - Lonely Day (more info)
125 Todd Thibaud - Dragging Me Down (more info)*
126 Micah Green - Hollywood (more info)
127 Todd Thibaud - Is It Love (more info)*
128 Five For Fighting - Superman (more info)

1.17 Reaper (04/23/02)

129 Trik Turner - Friends & Family (more info)
130 Fire Engine Red - Falcor (more info)
131 Kings Of Convenience - The Weight Of My Words (Four Tet Remix) (more info)
132 Rubyhorse - Sparkle (more info)

1.18 Drone (04/30/02)

133 Hot Action Cop - Fever For The Flava (more info)
134 Alan Charing - Wake Up Elvis (more info)*
135 Cornershop - Wogs Will Walk (more info)
136 Citizen Cope - If There's Love (more info)
137 Jimmy Eat World - The Middle (more info)
138 Dishwalla - Opaline (more info)*
Puracane - Big Day (Repeat) (more info)
139 Quarashi - Stick 'Em Up (more info)
140 Sia - Drink To Get Drunk (more info)
141 Evan Olson - Not What I Wanted (more info)*
142 The Goo Goo Dolls - Here Is Gone (more info)

1.19 Crush (05/07/02)

143 Laughing Us - Goin' Off (more info)*
144 Bottlefly - Nothing To Do (more info)*
145 Louise Goffin - Light In Your Eyes (more info)
146 Micah Green - You And I (more info)
147 Eva Cassidy - Time After Time (more info)

1.20 Obscura (05/14/02)

148 Sparklehorse - Piano Fire (more info)
149 The Electric Soft Parade - Silent To The Dark (more info)
150 Pete Yorn - Just Another (more info)
151 Neil Halstead - Two Stones In My Pocket (more info)
152 John Mayer - No Such Thing (more info)

1.21 Tempest (05/21/02)

153 Stabbing Westward - What Do I Have To Do (more info)
154 Paul Trudeau - What We've Been Through (more info)*
155 Sherri Youngward - Where This Love Goes (more info)
156 Greenwheel - Breathe (more info)
157 Gigolo Aunts - Let Go (more info)*
Lifehouse - Everything (Repeat) (more info)*
Remy Zero - Save Me (Repeat) (more info)
Remy Zero - Perfect Memory (Repeat) (more info)
158 Louis Febre - End Credits I (more info)

Season 2

2.01 Vortex (09/24/02)

001 Stretch Princess - Time And Time Again (more info)
002 Coldplay - In My Place (more info)

2.02 Heat (10/01/02)

003 New Found Glory - My Friends Over You (more info)
004 Nelly - Hot In Here (more info)
005 JXL Vs Elvis - A Little Less Conversation (more info)
006 N.E.R.D. - Truth Or Dare (more info)
007 Avril Lavigne - Tomorrow (more info)

2.03 Duplicity (10/08/02)

008 Travis Tritt - Southbound Train (more info)
009 Greg Jones - Ordinary (more info)
010 Stephanie Simon - Goodbye (more info)
011 Alice Peacock - Leading With My Heart (more info)

2.04 Red (10/15/02)

012 Sprung Monkey - Unexpected (more info)
013 Bosshouse - Break Off Your Wings (more info)
014 Sprung Monkey - American Made (more info)
015 Bosshouse - In California (more info)
016 Fisher - Breakable (more info)*
017 Andrew W.K. - It's Time To Party (more info)
018 Jackpot - Tattoos (more info)
019 Frou Frou - Breathe In (more info)
020 Oasis - Stop Crying Your Heart Out (more info)

2.05 Nocturne (10/22/02)

021 OK Go - Don't Ask Me (more info)
022 No Doubt - Underneath It All (more info)
023 Frederic Chopin - Nocturne In C Minor (more info)
024 Cactus Groove - Crazy Richie (more info)
025 Sheila Nicholls - Love Song (more info)

2.06 Redux (10/29/02)

026 The Outhere Brothers - Boom, Boom, Boom (more info)
027 Jockjam Cheerleaders - Be Aggressive (more info)
028 Tom Racer - I Don't Know (more info)
029 Foo Fighters - All My Life (more info)
030 B Witched - Mickey (more info)
031 Sophie Agapios - U Girl (more info)
032 Jockjam Cheerleaders - You Ugly (more info)
033 Buva - Can I See You (more info)
034 The Riddlin Kids - I Feel Fine (more info)
035 Imperial Teen - Ivanka (more info)
036 Our Lady Peace - Somewhere Out There (more info)

2.07 Lineage (11/05/02)

037 Bosshouse - Blame It On Me (more info)
038 Morcheeba - Otherwise (more info)
039 Wonderful Johnson - 17 Years Down (more info)
040 Pulse Ultra - Put It Off (more info)
041 Chris Heifner - Yesterday (Demo Version) (more info)*
042 Sander Selover / Jeremy Kay - Start Again (more info)*
043 Giacomo Puccini - Madame Butterfly (Un Bel Di Vedremo) (more info)

2.08 Ryan (11/12/02)

044 VonRay - Inside Out (Unplugged) (more info)*
045 Dave Hewson - News Makers (more info)
046 Dishwalla - Angels Or Devils (Live From The Lounge Version) (more info)*

2.09 Dichotic (11/19/02)

047 The Mooney Suzuki - In A Young Man's Mind (more info)
048 Premonition - Uneven Odds (more info)
049 Bosshouse - I Ain't Waiting Here For You (more info)
050 Son Of Adam - I Want This Perfect (more info)
051 A Ha - I Wish I Cared (more info)

2.10 Skinwalker (11/26/02)

052 The Vines - Outtathaway (more info)
053 Norah Jones - Don't Know Why (more info)
054 Santana & Michelle Branch - The Game Of Love (more info)
055 Jackpot - Psycho Ballerina (more info)

2.11 Visage (01/14/03)

056 Walkabout - Little Bit Strange (more info)
057 Bumblefoot - American Rock And Roll (more info)*
058 Good Charlotte - The Anthem (more info)
059 Dirty Vegas - Days Go By (Guitar Version) (more info)
060 Rosey - Love (more info)
061 Susan Barth - Feel Like A Man (more info)*
062 Gary Jules - Mad World (more info)

2.12 Insurgence (01/21/03)

063 Theory Of A Deadman - Invisible Man (more info)
064 Ed Harcourt - Bittersweetheart (more info)
065 SR 71 - Tomorrow (more info)

2.13 Suspect (01/28/03)

066 Alfredo Catalani - La Wally (Ebben Ne Andro Lontana) (more info)
067 Tim Buppert And The Nashville Six - The Tequila Don't Kill Her (more info)

2.14 Rush (02/04/03)

068 BT - Never Gonna Come Back Down (more info)
069 Stephen Phillips - Somewhere (more info)
070 Amy Drum - Integrity (more info)
071 AM Radio - Just Wanna Be Loved (more info)
072 Bosshouse - Forever Yours (more info)
073 Sheila Nicholls - Bread And Water (more info)
074 Sixpence None The Richer - Don't Dream It's Over (more info)

2.15 Prodigal (02/11/03)

075 Mystica - China (more info)
076 The Contes - Don't Tempt Me (more info)
077 Ash - Burn Baby Burn (more info)
078 Lizzie - Home Sweet Alabama (more info)
079 Tom Hiel - Extreme (more info)
080 Sounds From The Ground - Gentle Healing (more info)
081 Morphic Field - Like A Dream (more info)*
082 Darran Falcone - Shooting Star (more info)
083 Janelle Sadler - When It's All Over (more info)
084 The Flaming Lips - Fight Test (more info)

2.16 Fever (02/18/03)

085 Jamestowne - Not That Simple (more info)*
086 Steadman - Wave Goodbye (more info)

2.17 Rosetta (02/25/03)

087 Pancho's Lament - Leaving Town Alive (more info)
088 Coldplay - The Scientist (more info)
089 Ryan Adams - Nuclear (more info)
090 Kid Lightning - Satellite (more info)*

2.18 Visitor (04/15/03)

091 Transplants - Diamonds And Guns (more info)
092 Stephanie Simon - Wartime (more info)
093 Neil Halstead - Phantasmagoria In Two (more info)
094 Hathaway - Kiss The Moon (more info)
095 David Gray - The Other Side (more info)

2.19 Precipice (04/22/03)

096 Matt Nathanson - Princess (more info)
097 Sammi Morelli - Let Me Be the One (more info)
098 Red Hot Chili Peppers - Don't Forget Me (more info)
099 Jan Cyrka - Boom (more info)
100 Adam Tenenbaum - Becoming (more info)
101 TheSTART - Shakedown! (more info)
102 Gus - Don't Fear The Reaper (more info)

2.20 Witness (04/29/03)

103 Ben Lee - No Room To Bleed (more info)
104 The All American Rejects - Swing, Swing (more info)
105 Marty Irwin / Peter Northcote - Anybody Listening (more info)*
106 The Ben Taylor Band - Safe Enough To Wake Up (more info)
107 Paloalto - The World Outside (more info)
108 The Thorns - No Blue Sky (more info)
109 Stretch Nickel - Gone Away (more info)

2.21 Accelerate (05/06/03)

110 Avril Lavigne - I'm With You (more info)

2.22 Calling (05/13/03)

111 Elza - Everything To Me (more info)*
112 Jessy Moss - Telling You Now (more info)
113 Moby - Signs Of Love (more info)
114 Boomkat - Wastin' My Time (more info)
115 Chantal Kreviazuk - In This Life (more info)

2.23 Exodus (05/20/03)

116 Lifehouse - Take Me Away (Acoustic) (more info)
117 Aqualung - Strange & Beautiful (I'll Put A Spell On You) (more info)
118 Matthew Good - Weapon (more info)
119 Johann Sebastian Bach - Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring (more info)
120 Kelly Brock - High On Sunshine (more info)*
121 Richard Wagner - Bridal Chorus (Slow Version) (more info)

Season 3

3.01 Exile (10/01/03)

01 Good Charlotte - Girls And Boys (more info)
02 The Black Eyed Peas - Hey Mama (more info)
03 Keith Kohn - Kriyativity (Instrumental) (more info)*
04 Metallica - Frantic (more info)
05 Eastmountainsouth - All The Stars (more info)
06 Train - Calling All Angels (more info)
07 Shocore - Good Talk (more info)

3.02 Phoenix (10/08/03)

08 Stereophonics - Maybe Tomorrow (more info)
09 Ginger - In The Sky (more info)
10 Charles Gounod - Salut Demeure (more info)
11 Dido - White Flag (more info)

3.03 Extinction (10/15/03)

12 Yellowcard - Way Away (more info)
13 Vishiss - Give It To Me (more info)
14 Maria - I Give You Take (more info)
15 Vertical Horizon - Goodbye Again (more info)

3.04 Slumber (10/22/03)

16 R.E.M. - Imitation Of Life (more info)
17 R.E.M. - Everybody Hurts (more info)
18 R.E.M. - Losing My Religion (more info)
19 R.E.M. - Bad Day (more info)
20 R.E.M. - At My Most Beautiful (more info)

3.05 Perry (10/29/03)

21 Toby Keith - I Love This Bar (more info)
22 Xolie Morra - Arms Down (Demo Version) (more info)
23 LeAnn Rimes - Blue (more info)
24 Lizzie - Crossroads (more info)
25 Q - I'll Be Okay (more info)
26 Lonestar - Walking In Memphis (more info)

3.06 Relic (11/05/03)

27 Carl Perkins - Matchbox (more info)
28 Aaron D - In Your Eyes (more info)
29 The Flamingos - I Only Have Eyes For You (more info)
30 The Penguins - Earth Angel (Will You Be Mine) (more info)

3.07 Magnetic (11/12/03)

31 Josh Kelley - Amazing (more info)
32 Michelle Featherstone - Over You (more info)
33 Black Toast Music - Hey Now (more info)
34 Bonnie McKee - Trouble (more info)
35 Cold - Stupid Girl (more info)
36 Pink - Trouble (more info)

3.08 Shattered (11/19/03)

37 Bosshouse - She'll Be The One (more info)
38 Johnny Cash - Hurt (more info)

3.09 Asylum (01/14/04)

39 Massive Attack - Future Proof (more info)
40 Staind - So Far Away (more info)

3.10 Whisper (01/21/04)

41 Kid Rock - Cold And Empty (more info)

3.11 Delete (01/28/04)

42 Nelly Furtado - Try (more info)
43 Dave Matthews - So Damn Lucky (more info)
44 Hoobastank - The Reason (more info)

3.12 Hereafter (02/04/04)

45 Five For Fighting - 100 Years (more info)
46 Stegala Music - I Owe You (more info)
47 Sergei Rachmaninoff - Rhapsody On A Theme Of Paganini (more info)
48 Static - Two Steps Closer (more info)

3.13 Velocity (02/11/04)

49 Shocore - Evilution (more info)
50 Dizzee Rascal - Fix Up, Look Sharp (more info)
51 Knoc Turn'Al - The Way I Am (more info)
52 Saq - You Know (more info)
53 ThousandFootKrutch - Rawkfist (more info)
54 Ryan Adams - Wonderwall (more info)

3.14 Obsession (02/18/04)

55 Barry Schleifer - Last Call (more info)*
56 Finger Eleven - One Thing (more info)
57 The Fuzz - Parking (more info)
58 Blake Hight - Echo (more info)
59 Ben Jelen - Setting Of The Sun (more info)

3.15 Resurrection (02/25/04)

60 The Rapture - Infatuation (more info)
61 Alanis Morissette - Everything (Radio Edit) (more info)

3.16 Crisis (03/03/04)

62 Jim McGorman - Maybe (more info)
63 Melodine - It's Coming Around (more info)*
64 Georges Bizet - Les Pecheurs De Perles (Je Crois Entendre Encore) (more info)

3.17 Legacy (04/14/04)

Georges Bizet - Les Pecheurs De Perles (Je Crois Entendre Encore) (Repeat) (more info)
65 Edie Brickell - Once In A Blue Moon (more info)
66 Seal - Love's Divine (more info)
67 Grant Lee Phillips - Mona Lisa (more info)

3.18 Truth (04/21/04)

68 Fastball - Someday (more info)
69 The Fuzz - Selling Out (more info)
70 Jennie Cathcart - Forever (more info)
71 Ing - Better Don't Do (more info)
72 Paul Schwartz - Stabat Mater (more info)

3.19 Memoria (04/28/04)

73 Evanescence - My Immortal (more info)

3.20 Talisman (05/05/04)

74 Katie Herzig - Chase Me (more info)
75 Red Letter Day - From Afar (more info)
76 Rachael Yamagata - Reason Why (more info)

3.21 Forsaken (05/12/04)

77 Christopher Jak - What You're Thinking (more info)*
78 Charlie Mars - When The Sun Goes Down (more info)
79 Gaetano Donizetti - La Fille Du Regiment (Convien Partir) (more info)

3.22 Covenant (05/19/04)

80 Mindy Smith - One Moment More (Acoustic) (more info)
81 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Requiem In D Minor (Introitus Requiem) (more info)
82 Mark Snow - End Credits II (more info)

Season 4

4.00 Promo Music

01 Jimmy Eat World - Firestarter (more info)
02 Patti Page - (How Much Is That) Doggie In The Window (more info)

4.01 Crusade (09/22/04)

03 Tahiti 80 - Better Days Will Come (more info)
04 Hildegard Of Bingen - O Euchari (more info)
05 San Drine - Plus Pres De Moi (more info)

4.02 Gone (09/29/04)

06 Dame Joan Sutherland / Jane Berbie - Flower Duet (more info)
07 Dara Shindler - Faraway (more info)
08 Maroon 5 - She Will Be Loved (Acoustic Version) (more info)

4.03 Facade (10/06/04)

Stereoblis - Eight Half Letters (Repeat) (more info)
Network Music - Pep Band At Football Game (Repeat) (more info)
09 Toby Lightman - Devils And Angels (more info)*
10 High Speed Scene - Fuck N' Spend (more info)
11 Beu Sisters - What Do You Do In The Summer (When It's Raining) (more info)
12 John Gold - Ghetto (more info)*
13 Avril Lavigne - My Happy Ending (more info)

4.04 Devoted (10/13/04)

14 Bosshouse - Better Off By Myself (more info)
15 Authority Zero - Revolution (more info)
16 Hawk Nelson - California (more info)
17 Sub Space Radio - Medicated (more info)
18 Ash - Meltdown (more info)
19 Sam Roberts - On The Run (more info)
20 The Penfifteen Club - Disco MF (more info)
21 Bebo Norman - Our Mystery (more info)

4.05 Run (10/20/04)

22 The Roots - Don't Say Nuthin' (more info)
23 Kyle Newacheck - Welcome To My World (more info)
24 Silver - Cruel Sun (more info)
25 Rascal Flatts - Feels Like Today (more info)

4.06 Transference (10/27/04)

26 Jimmy Eat World - Pain (more info)

4.07 Jinx (11/03/04)

27 The Hives - Walk Idiot Walk (more info)
28 Shiloh - I Believe (more info)
29 The Donnas - Fall Behind Me (more info)
30 Bosshouse - I'm All Gone (more info)
31 Green Day - Boulevard Of Broken Dreams (more info)
32 Social Distortion - Reach For The Sky (more info)

4.08 Spell (11/10/04)

33 Franz Schubert - Impromptu No. 2 In E Flat Major (more info)
34 Black Toast Music - Blame (more info)
35 Gwen Stefani - What You Waiting For (more info)
36 Keane - We Might As Well Be Strangers (more info)

4.09 Bound (11/17/04)

37 Frederic Chopin - Etude Opus 10 No. 3 in E Major (Lento, Ma Non Troppo) (more info)
38 Faithless - I Want More Part 2 (more info)
39 Amanda O'Connor - Daddy's Little Girl (more info)

4.10 Scare (12/01/04)

40 Mindy Smith - Falling (more info)

4.11 Unsafe (01/26/05)

41 Scissor Sisters - Laura (more info)
42 Jesse McCartney - Beautiful Soul (more info)
43 Dido - Life For Rent (more info)
44 Simple Plan - Welcome To My Life (more info)
45 Elvis Presley - It's Now Or Never (more info)
46 Rock N Roll Soldiers - Funny Little Feeling (more info)
47 Johnathan Rice - Break So Easy (more info)

4.12 Pariah (02/02/05)

48 Joan Jett And The Blackhearts - I Love Rock N' Roll (more info)
49 Dan Zweben - To Die For (more info)*
50 Minnie Driver - Deeper Water (more info)

4.13 Recruit (02/09/05)

51 Fatboy Slim - Wonderful Night (more info)
52 Anthony Michaelangelo - It's All Behind (more info)
53 APM Music - The Thunderer (more info)
54 Louis XIV - Finding Out True Love Is Blind (more info)
55 Big $ Rich - Wild West Show (more info)
56 Simple Plan - Untitled (more info)

4.14 Krypto (02/16/05)

57 Speechwriters LLC - Anodyne (more info)
58 The Goo Goo Dolls - Give A Little Bit (more info)

4.15 Sacred (02/23/05)

No songs were used in this episode.

4.16 Lucy (03/02/05)

59 Kasabian - Club Foot (more info)
60 Newcomers Home - I Hold On (more info)
61 Speechwriters LLC - Spaghetti Streetwalker (more info)
62 Johannes Brahms - Violin Sonata No. 1 In G Major (Allegro Molto Moderato) (more info)
63 Mark Joseph - Fly (more info)

4.17 Onyx (04/13/05)

64 Esthero - I Drive Alone (more info)

4.18 Spirit (04/20/05)

65 Lifehouse - Come Back Down (more info)
66 Split Habit - Higher Mathematics (more info)
67 Tim Cullen - Good To Know (more info)
68 Ashlee Simpson - La La (more info)
69 Lamar - Not Gonna Wait (more info)
70 Lifehouse - Blind (more info)
71 Lifehouse - Undone (more info)
72 Lifehouse - You And Me (Wedding Version) (more info)

4.19 Blank (04/27/05)

73 Jem - 24 (more info)
74 Paco - Satie (more info)
75 3 Doors Down - Let Me Go (more info)
76 Switchfoot - This Is Your Life (more info)

4.20 Ageless (05/04/05)

No songs were used in this episode.

4.21 Forever (05/11/05)

77 Split Habit - Ms. Vandersanden (more info)
78 Tim Cullen - On The Down (more info)
79 Wonderlife - Around The Way (more info)

4.22 Commencement (05/18/05)

80 Edward Elgar - Pomp And Circumstance (March No. 1) (more info)

Season 5

5.00 Promo Music

01 Thomas Newman - Bloodless Freak (more info)
02 KPM Music - Santa Claws (more info)

5.01 Arrival (09/29/05)

03 Depeche Mode - Precious (more info)

5.02 Mortal (10/06/05)

04 Coldplay - A Message (more info)

5.03 Hidden (10/13/05)

05 Anna Nalick - Breathe (2 AM) (more info)
06 Mark Long - Freedom Flower (more info)*
07 Dishwalla - Collide (more info)*
08 David Gray - Disappearing World (more info)

5.04 Aqua (10/20/05)

09 The Dandy Warhols - All The Money Or The Simple Life Honey (Remix) (more info)
10 Cary Brothers - Waiting For Your Letter (more info)*
11 Amy Ward - Every Day Is Like The Weekend (more info)

5.05 Thirst (10/27/05)

12 Esthero - Wikked Lil' Grrrls (more info)
13 Elysian Fields - Set The Grass On Fire (more info)
14 Martin Grech - Guiltless (more info)
15 The Swear - Deadfall (Abandoned) (more info)*
16 Diamond Nights - Girls Attractive (more info)
17 Bauhaus - Bela Lugosi's Dead (more info)

5.06 Exposed (11/03/05)

18 Ron Finn - Techno Clothes Off (more info)
19 Molly M - Work It (more info)
20 Molly M - How Do You Do It (more info)
21 The Pussycat Dolls - Don't Cha (more info)
22 Gretchen Wilson - All Jacked Up (more info)
23 Flashlight Brown - I'm A Human (more info)
24 Brendan Benson - Cold Hands (Warm Heart) (more info)

5.07 Splinter (11/10/05)

25 Breaking Benjamin - Forget It (more info)
26 Stereophonics - Superman (more info)
27 Moby - Homeward Angel (more info)

5.08 Solitude (11/17/05)

28 HIM - Wicked Game (more info)

5.09 Lexmas (12/08/05)

29 Ray Charles - That Spirit Of Christmas (more info)
30 Peter Knight - Deck The Halls (Instrumental) (more info)
31 Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky - Dance Of The Sugar Plum Fairy (I) (more info)
32 Sidney James - O Christmas Tree (more info)

5.10 Fanatic (01/12/06)

33 The United States Marine Band - Semper Fidelis (more info)
34 Depeche Mode - I Want It All (more info)

5.11 Lockdown (01/19/06)

No songs were used in this episode.

5.12 Reckoning (01/26/06)

35 James Blunt - You're Beautiful (more info)
36 Edwin Edward Bagley - National Emblem March (more info)
37 Peter Gabriel - I Grieve (more info)

5.13 Vengeance (02/02/06)

No songs were used in this episode.

5.14 Tomb (02/09/06)

No songs were used in this episode.

5.15 Cyborg (02/16/06)

38 Colored Shadows - Life After Love (more info)
39 Vincenzo Bellini - Norma (Casta Diva) (more info)

5.16 Hypnotic (03/30/06)

40 Josh Kelley - Almost Honest (more info)
41 The All American Rejects - Dirty Little Secret (more info)

5.17 Void (04/06/06)

42 Franz Schubert - Impromptu No. 3 In G Flat Major (more info)

5.18 Fragile (04/13/06)

No songs were used in this episode.

5.19 Mercy (04/20/06)

43 Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky - Eugene Onegin (Letter Scene) (more info)

5.20 Fade (04/27/06)

44 Nik Frost - I Got The Funk (more info)
45 Amy Roberts - Your Kiss (more info)
46 Mike Wolpe - Secret Labyrinth (more info)

5.21 Oracle (05/04/06)

47 Lucas Hoge - If Only I Could (more info)*

5.22 Vessel (05/11/06)

48 Barry Schleifer - Returns And Exchanges (more info)*

Season 6

6.00 Promo Music

01 APM Music - The Beach (more info)
02 APM Music - Judgement Day (more info)
03 APM Music - Victorious (more info)
04 APM Music - Dark Bells (more info)
05 Bloc Party - The Prayer (more info)

6.01 Zod (09/28/06)

No songs were used in this episode.

6.02 Sneeze (10/05/06)

No songs were used in this episode.

6.03 Wither (10/12/06)

06 Telepictures - Dark (more info)
07 Telepictures - Club Young (more info)
08 Fred Spigelman - I Won't Wait (more info)
09 The All American Rejects - It Ends Tonight (more info)
10 James Carrington - Ache (Demo Version) (more info)*

6.04 Arrow (10/19/06)

11 Johann Sebastian Bach - Goldberg Variations (Variation 21) (more info)

6.05 Reunion (10/26/06)

12 Brian Wayy - Ease My Pain (more info)

6.06 Fallout (11/02/06)

13 Bow Wow - Fresh Azimiz (more info)

6.07 Rage (11/09/06)

14 Josh Kelley - Cain And Able (more info)

6.08 Static (11/16/06)

No songs were used in this episode.

6.09 Subterranean (12/07/06)

15 AFI - Prelude 12/21 (more info)

6.10 Hydro (01/11/07)

16 Jay Condiotti - I'll Wait For You (more info)*

6.11 Justice (01/18/07)

17 Greg Laswell - High And Low (more info)

6.12 Labyrinth (01/25/07)

Chris Heifner - Yesterday (Demo Version) (Repeat) (more info)*

6.13 Crimson (02/01/07)

18 Ginger - Our Finest Hour (more info)

6.14 Trespass (02/08/07)

19 Rise Against - Roadside (more info)

6.15 Freak (02/15/07)

20 Dirty Children - Money (more info)
21 Samantha Mollen - Closer To You (more info)

6.16 Promise (03/15/07)

22 Snow Patrol - You Could Be Happy (more info)
23 Georges Frideric Handel - Cathedral Largo (more info)
24 Johann Sebastian Bach - Toccata And Fugue In D Minor (more info)
25 Johann Sebastian Bach - Cathedral Prelude B (more info)
26 Richard Wagner - Bridal Chorus (more info)
27 Felix Mendelssohn - A Midsummer Night's Dream (Wedding March) (more info)
28 Patty Griffin - Heavenly Day (more info)

6.17 Combat (03/22/07)

No songs were used in this episode.

6.18 Progeny (04/19/07)

29 Telepictures - Steppin' (more info)
30 Brian Wayy - As You Get Closer (more info)
31 Telepictures - Scruggs (more info)
32 Fred Spigelman - Figured Out Love (more info)
33 Richard Wagner - The Flying Dutchman (Overture) (more info)

6.19 Nemesis (04/26/07)

34 Richard Wagner - Tannhauser (Overture) (more info)

6.20 Noir (05/03/07)

35 Maxayn - The Finger Points To You (Instrumental) (more info)
36 Vanessa Rojo - Somebody Else (more info)
37 Mark Gerrard - Emotive Lagoon (more info)

6.21 Prototype (05/10/07)

38 Julie Gribble - Is This Where (more info)

6.22 Phantom (05/17/07)

39 Louis Febre - End Credits III (more info)

Season 7

7.00 Promo Music

01 Robert Duncan - The Final Fight (more info)

7.01 Bizarro (09/27/07)

02 Kelly Clarkson - Sober (more info)

7.02 Kara (10/04/07)

No songs were used in this episode.

7.03 Fierce (10/11/07)

03 Boink - Eastside Glamour Queen (more info)
04 Juliette And The Licks - Mind Full Of Daggers (more info)
05 Homy - Oh Baby Blue (more info)
06 Boink - Bomb (more info)
07 Morcheeba - Gained The World (more info)

7.04 Cure (10/18/07)

08 Two Hours Traffic - Stolen Earrings (more info)
09 Johann Sebastian Bach - Cello Suite No. 1 In G Major (Prelude) (more info)
10 Missy Higgins - Where I Stood (more info)

7.05 Action (10/25/07)

11 The Cult - Dirty Little Rockstar (more info)

7.06 Lara (11/01/07)

12 Bosshouse - Super Sexy Free (more info)
13 Eek - Lucid (more info)

7.07 Wrath (11/08/07)

14 Travis - My Eyes (more info)
15 Salim Nourallah - So Down (more info)*
16 John Carlo Dwyer - Girl From Petaluma (more info)
17 Marie Digby - Spell (more info)

7.08 Blue (11/15/07)

No songs were used in this episode.

7.09 Gemini (12/13/07)

18 Transcenders - Deck The Halls (more info)
19 Stan Reynolds - Joy To The World (more info)
20 Henry Stuck - Jingle Bells (Instrumental) (more info)
21 Michelle Featherstone - Canceling Christmas (more info)

7.10 Persona (01/31/08)

22 Interpol - Pioneer To The Falls (more info)

7.11 Siren (02/07/08)

23 Buddy - 11/22 (more info)

7.12 Fracture (02/14/08)

24 Unease - Last Page (more info)*
Julie Gribble - Is This Where (Repeat) (more info)
25 Marie Digby - Say It Again (more info)

7.13 Hero (03/13/08)

26 OneRepublic - Apologize (Instrumental) (more info)
27 OneRepublic - Stop And Stare (more info)
28 OneRepublic - Mercy (more info)
29 OneRepublic - Apologize (more info)

7.14 Traveler (03/20/08)

30 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Der Holle Rache (The Magic Flute) (more info)

7.15 Veritas (03/27/08)

31 VAST - One More Day (more info)

7.16 Descent (04/17/08)

No songs were used in this episode.

7.17 Sleeper (04/24/08)

32 Duffy - Mercy (more info)
33 Madita - Shiver (more info)
34 Bitter:Sweet - Dirty Laundry (more info)
35 Channel Two Music - The Beat Is (more info)*

7.18 Apocalypse (05/01/08)

36 Redanna And M1 - Fetish (more info)

7.19 Quest (05/08/08)

37 Final Note Music - Loch Lomond (Music Box Version) (more info)

7.20 Arctic (05/15/08)

38 Homy - Enough Is Enough (more info)
39 Michelle Featherstone - Perfect (Demo Version) (more info)

Season 8

8.00 Promo Music

01 Brand X Music - Fearless (more info)

8.01 Odyssey (09/18/08)

No songs were used in this episode.

8.02 Plastique (09/25/08)

No songs were used in this episode.

8.03 Toxic (10/02/08)

02 Brian Wayy - Dance To The Beat (more info)
03 Carl Burnett - Get On Up (more info)
04 Emily Zuzik - It Don't Matter To Jesus (more info)

8.04 Instinct (10/09/08)

Channel Two Music - The Beat Is (Repeat) (more info)*
05 Eek - Just Like This (more info)

8.05 Committed (10/16/08)

06 Jill Cohn - Rescue Dog (more info)*

8.06 Prey (10/23/08)

Telepictures - Club Young (Repeat) (more info)
07 Stuart Burrows - Chuggernaut (more info)

8.07 Identity (10/30/08)

08 Brian Wayy - It's True (more info)
09 Matthew Gerrard - Luxury (more info)

8.08 Bloodline (11/06/08)

No songs were used in this episode.

8.09 Abyss (11/13/08)

10 Blue - Sad Girl (more info)

8.10 Bride (11/20/08)

11 Libby Johnson - Under The Gate (more info)
12 Johann Pachelbel - Canon In D Major (I) (more info)
13 Nicholas Alan - Why Did I Wait (more info)
14 Ian David / Regan Ryzuk - Wild For You (more info)
15 Ian David / Regan Ryzuk - Sidewalk Stroll (more info)
16 Emily Baker - Keep Your Heart Ready (more info)
17 Nadia Fay - Possibilities (more info)*
18 VAST - Don't Take Your Love Away From Me (more info)

8.11 Legion (01/15/09)

No songs were used in this episode.

8.12 Bulletproof (01/22/09)

No songs were used in this episode.

8.13 Power (01/29/09)

19 Natalie Walker - Empty Road (more info)

8.14 Requiem (02/05/09)

20 The Killers - Goodnight, Travel Well (more info)

8.15 Infamous (03/12/09)

21 Uh Huh Her - Dreamer (more info)

8.16 Turbulence (03/19/09)

22 Apocalyptica - I Don't Care (more info)

8.17 Hex (03/26/09)

Brian Wayy - It's True (Repeat) (more info)
23 Brian Wayy - Just Believe (Instrumental) (more info)

8.18 Eternal (04/02/09)

No songs were used in this episode.

8.19 Stiletto (04/23/09)

24 Asteroid / DJ Mike Strip - My Brother-In-Law Dresses In Drag (more info)*

8.20 Beast (04/30/09)

25 Chris Levy - What You Feel (more info)*

8.21 Injustice (05/07/09)

No songs were used in this episode.

8.22 Doomsday (05/14/09)

26 Louis Febre - End Credits IV (more info)

Season 9

9.00 Promo Music

01 Taking Back Sunday - Error: Operator (more info)

9.01 Savior (09/25/09)

02 Richard Wagner - Siegfried's Funeral Music (more info)

9.02 Metallo (10/02/09)

No songs were used in this episode.

9.03 Rabid (10/09/09)

03 Brian Tichy - Hate Fueled Man (more info)

9.04 Echo (10/16/09)

04 Patricio Castillo - Majia Negra (more info)

9.05 Roulette (10/23/09)

05 Brand New - Daisy (more info)

9.06 Crossfire (10/30/09)

06 APM Music - Coffee Break (more info)
07 Dead By Sunrise - End Of The World (more info)

9.07 Kandor (11/06/09)

No songs were used in this episode.

9.08 Idol (11/13/09)

08 Stingray Music - Holding Out For A Hero (more info)

9.09 Pandora (11/20/09)

No songs were used in this episode.

9.10 Disciple (01/29/10)

09 Linda Nygren - Feel Of Your Laughter (more info)

9.11 Absolute Justice (02/05/10)

No songs were used in this episode.

9.12 Warrior (02/12/10)

10 Justin Mather - Miles (more info)*
11 Car Stereo Wars - Smooth (more info)*

9.13 Persuasion (02/19/10)

12 Julie Griffin - Love's A Boomerang (more info)

9.14 Conspiracy (02/26/10)

13 Stuart Roslyn / Vasco - You're Stealing (more info)*

9.15 Escape (04/02/10)

14 Chris Lind - What Is Not Yours (more info)*

9.16 Checkmate (04/09/10)

No songs were used in this episode.

9.17 Upgrade (04/16/10)

No songs were used in this episode.

9.18 Charade (04/23/10)

15 Harold Lester - Big Ballroom (more info)
16 Chris Lind - A Story Of Us (more info)*

9.19 Sacrifice (04/30/10)

No songs were used in this episode.

9.20 Hostage (05/07/10)

No songs were used in this episode.

9.21 Salvation (05/14/10)

No songs were used in this episode.

Season 10

10.00 Promo Music

01 Kerli - Nature Boy (more info)
02 Parker Theory - Save Me From Myself (more info)
03 John Debney - The Planet Krypton (more info)
04 Position Music - Get On The Floor (more info)

10.01 Lazarus (09/24/10)

VAST - One More Day (Repeat) (more info)

10.02 Shield (10/01/10)

No songs were used in this episode.

10.03 Supergirl (10/08/10)

05 Mike Hankinson - Church Voluntary (more info)
06 Crush - Everything I Say Is A Lie (more info)*
07 Spencer Product - We Bite (more info)

10.04 Homecoming (10/15/10)

08 Dave Wilson - College Band (more info)
Lifehouse - Everything (Repeat) (more info)*
09 Kim Taylor - Baby I Need You (more info)*

10.05 Isis (10/22/10)

No songs were used in this episode.

10.06 Harvest (10/29/10)

10 Cary Brothers - Can't Take My Eyes Off You (more info)*

10.07 Ambush (11/05/10)

No songs were used in this episode.

10.08 Abandoned (11/12/10)

11 Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky - Dance Of The Sugar Plum Fairy (II) (more info)

10.09 Patriot (11/19/10)

No songs were used in this episode.

10.10 Luthor (12/03/10)

No songs were used in this episode.

10.11 Icarus (12/10/10)

12 Paul Taneja - City Lights (more info)*

10.12 Collateral (02/04/11)

13 Johann Strauss, Jr. - Waltz: On The Beautiful Blue Danube (more info)

10.13 Beacon (02/11/11)

No songs were used in this episode.

10.14 Masquerade (02/18/11)

Amy Roberts - Your Kiss (Repeat) (more info)
14 Thai Stick - Time And Time Again (more info)*

10.15 Fortune (02/25/11)

15 Swank - How Do We Do (more info)*
16 Swank - Never Been Born (more info)*
17 KPM Music - Those Tiller Girls (more info)
18 Amy Stroup - Alas We Aspire (more info)

10.16 Scion (03/04/11)

Vincenzo Bellini - Norma (Casta Diva) (Repeat) (more info)

10.17 Kent (04/15/11)

No songs were used in this episode.

10.18 Booster (04/22/11)

19 The Jet Boys - Shot In The Dark (more info)

10.19 Dominion (04/29/11)

No songs were used in this episode.

10.20 Prophecy (05/06/11)

No songs were used in this episode.

10.21 Finale (05/13/11)

20 Sara Bareilles - Breathe Again (more info)
21 Johann Pachelbel - Canon In D Major (II) (more info)
22 John Williams - The Prison Yard + End Title (Film Version) (more info)
23 John Williams - Love Theme From Superman (more info)



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